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ebXML is a set of specifications to enable Internet based, business-to-business electronic commerce. EbXML leverages many of the web service standards. In many cases, ebXML extends the standards to provide a more robust facility for exchanging information.

The primary components of ebXML are

  • ebMS - Message Service
  • ebCPP - Collaboration Protocol Profile ebRIM - Registry Information Model
  • ebRS - Registry Services
  • ebBPSS - Business Process Specification Schema
  • ebTA - Technical Architecture

ebXML is governed by OASIS. It should be noted that many of the specifications that are in ebXML have significant overlap with many of the new specifications coming out of IBM and Microsoft. For now, industries are being forced to choose between the competing specifications. It is anticipated that in the near future, one of the efforts will subsume the other or efforts will be made to make them compatible.

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